
icomfort Wi-Fit 7−Day Programmable Communicating Thermostat
Page 57
Bold text indicates a button, or text display on the thermostat.
Table 6. Troubleshooting Tips
No. Corrective Action / CommentsPossible CauseIssue / Problem
12 Determine the actual Software ver-
sion of the thermostat or one of the
icomfort unit controls.
icomfort software is stored in the
control and can be retrieved.
From the home screen click the right arrow
then click service info button; then click the thermostat info button;
(display shows model & serial numbers and hardware, software, Wi−Fi
revision information).
13 The icomfort thermostat shows an er-
ror code related to the outdoor sensor
and or the DAS even after removing
these optional accessories.
The outdoor sensor and dis-
charge sensor are options, how-
ever if the system was setup with
the sensor in place, the icomfort
system will see an open sensor
reading if it is disconnected.
Disconnect the outdoor sensor or discharge sensor.
Using the installer program, reset the system by selecting setup
button and follow the screen prompts as the thermostat goes through
a new system discovery.
14 The icomfort thermostat will not pro-
vide me a choice to add a non−com-
municating heat pump to a gas fur-
The icomfort system does not
have the ability to control a non−
communicating heat pump on a
dual fuel system.
Replace the icomfort thermostat with a conventional thermostat that
has a dual fuel control mode (e.g. Lennox ComfortSenset 7000).
15 During system discovery, the ther-
mostat displays a message Thermo-
stat is unable to communicate to
system components.
The thermostat was not success-
ful in communicating to the indoor
Verify the indoor unit has a icomfort communicating control.
Check wiring connections at R, i+, i− and C at the indoor unit and
Check R, i+. I− , C wires for open/shorts.
16 Temperature or humidity calibration
does not respond to calibration
Temperature/Humidity calibration
changes will change display 1ºF
or 1% RH every 3 minutes.
Allow the system to stabilize and complete the calibration mode due to
the time delay. A 5ºF calibration change will take 15 minutes to calibrate
the display.
17 The installer adjustable settings used
to configure the system are not listed
in the equipment button under the
Thermostat 49W95 (only Temp
Reading Calibration and Humidity
Reading Calibration are listed as
menu items).
The adjustable system configura-
tion settings are listed in the
equipment button under Sys-
In the installer program select the equipment button and choose
System from system device and press edit.
Over 25 installer adjustable settings are provided including balance
point, humidification control, dehumidification modes, stage differen-
tials and delays.
table continued on next page