Lennox International Inc. SL280UH090V48B Furnace User Manual

Page 60
Integrated Control Diagnostic Modes
Display Action (when button released)
No change (idle)* Remain in idle mode
Solid E" Enter diagnostic recall mode
Solid D" Discharge Air Installed
Solid F" Enter flame signal mode
Solid P" (variable speed only) Program unit capacity/size (Unit Code)**
* No change implies the display will continue to show whatever is currently being displayed for normal operation (blinking
decimal, active error code, heat state, etc..)
** After the P" is selected (by releasing the push button) the integrated control will start flashing the P" on display for 90
seconds. If push button is pressed again and held during that time, the control will start to display characters corresponding
to different variable speed furnace models for 3 seconds each. While the wanted character−model is displayed push button
has to be released. Selected option will flash display for 10 seconds and during that time push button has to be pressed
and held for 5 seconds. Once control accepts new setting it will store data in non−volatile memory and reset itself. If 10 sec-
onds expires or push button is held less than 5 seconds, control will exit filed test mode and go in idle without programming
the unit size.
Integrated Control Diagnostic Codes
Press the diagnostic push button and hold it to cycle through a menu of options. Every five seconds a new menu item will be
displayed. Release the button when the desired mode is displayed.
When a solid "P" is displayed, the furnace capacity / size is programmed.
When the solid E" is displayed, the control enters the Diagnostic Recall (Alarm History). Diagnostic Recall mode menu
options: No change (displaying error history) remains in Diagnostic Recall mode; solid  =
" exits Diagnostic Recall mode;
and solid c" clears the error history. Must press button while flashing c" is displayed to clear error codes.
When the solid F" is displayed, the control enters the Flame Signal Mode. The Flame Signal Mode is exited: with power
cycle/reset, by pressing and holding the push button until 3 horizontal line are displayed =
, after 10 minutes of entering
flame signal mode.
Code Diagnostic Codes/Status of Equipment Action Required to Clear and Recover
Idle mode (Decimal blinks at 1 Hertz −− 0.5 second ON, 0.5 second OFF).
Cubic feet per minute (cfm) setting for indoor blower (1 second ON, 0.5
second OFF) / cfm setting for current mode displayed.
Cooling stage (1 second ON, 0.5 second OFF) / 1 or 2 displayed / Pause
/ cfm setting displayed / Pause / Repeat codes).
Dehumidification mode (1 second ON) / 1 second OFF) / cfm setting dis-
played / Pause / Repeat Codes).
Heat pump stage (1 second ON, 0.5 second OFF) / % of input rate dis-
played / Pause / cfm setting / Pause / Repeat codes.
Gas Heat Stage (1 second ON, 0.5 second OFF) / 1 or 2 displayed /
Pause / cfm
setting displayed / Pause / Repeat codes. Blinking during ignition.
Defrost mode.
Discharge Air Temperature