Lennox International Inc. PWC182 Heat Pump User Manual

Furthersealing againstair infiltrationmust be donealter
the Magic-Pak unitis installedin the wall sleeveand utility
connectionshave been completed (see Sealing/Weath-
erproofing Wall Sleeves section).
Wall Sleeve Installation
The wall sleeve may be installedfrom either the insideor
outsideofthe building.
Some builderswillattach the wall sleeve tothe support
wallthroughthe side supportangles whether theyare
insertingthe sleeve fromthe outsideor the inside.Othem
willuse the side angles simplyas a locating"stop"to
achievethe appropriatedimensionwhileshootingfasten-
ersthroughthe sides of the wallsleeve intothe supporting
wall.In either case,the wall sleeve must be fastened to
the supporting wall and notto thefinished wall.
The sleeve may extend farther than 1"beyondthe finished
wall,but reachingthe perimeter of the openingfrom inside
for sealing becomes increasinglydifficult.In anycase,
adequate safety precautionsmustbe consideredto
Instailing Wall Sleeve from Inside
The most popular methodof installingthe wallsleeve is
from theinside of the buildingwiththe weather seal
appliedfrom the outsideas the finishwall is applied.
Instalflng Wall Sleeve from Outside
In many high-rise constructionapplications,contractors
insertthe wall sleevesfrom the outsidewhile thewall is
beingconstructed.The two-sidedsupportangles should
then be attached tothe wall sleevesides at a locationthat
willexceed the thicknessofthe outsidefinish wall bythe
recommended3/8" to 1"dimension.
Forexample, if thesupportingwall is concreteblockwith a
brickfacing, there is usuallya space betweenthe block
and the brick.This space dimensionmustbe added to the
widthof the brick(plus 3/8" to 1") sothatwhen thesleeve
is inserted intothe blockwall opening, up to the angles
and fastened to the blockwallbefore the brickis installed,
the sleevewilt protrudebeyondthe finishedbrickby3/8"
to 1",as needed for caulk sealing.
The same applies if the supportingwall iswoodframe.
One may insert the sleevefromthe outside uptothe
angleslocated on each side,allowingforthe thicknessof
sheathing,finishsiding,and caulk sealing.
Recessed Sleeves
In some applications,where either the buildingwallsare
verythick(over 16") or architecturaldesign dictates,units
can berecessed. Avoidrecessingthe wall sleeve ifthe
wallopening is requiredto bethe same size as the wall
sleeveopening. However,if the wall openingcan be larger
inverticaldimensionthan the wall sleeve sothat the
bottomcan rest ona sillthat is at least2" higher thanthe
bottomof thewall opening,some recessing ispermitted.
Thissillshouldbe recessed further than the sleeve by3/8"
to 1"to permitweather-seal caulking along the bottom
edge withoutpluggingthe drain holesin the sleeve.
The topof thewall opening should be above the topof the
wall sleeve bya dimensionequal to or greater than the
amountof the recessin orderto avoidrestrictionofthe
Sealing/Weatherproofing Wall Sleeves
A highgrade non-hardeningcaulkingcompoundapproved
forexterioruse must be appliedoutsidearoundthe
perimeterof the wall sleeveand the finishedwall. Caulk
shouldalso beapplied around thesleeve's perimeter and
Final sealingagainstair infiltrationmust be done alter the
Magic-Pakunit is installedin thewall sleeve. Foradditional
protection,the space between the unit and the wall sleeve
shouldbe sealed on all sideswith a bead ofsealant.
Wall Sleeve Dimensions (in.)
I.---- z9- -,4
Flar_es may b_assembl_l
1"or 5_/4"from this e_e ofthe elc_v_
<.. 1or 3_/4
.16,.._15 or 12_
Figure 2