Limited Lifetime Warranty
Your Kuma Arctic is warranted against defects in materials or workmanship according
to the following:
*Stove body, all welded steel components– Lifetime, to the original purchaser.
*Burning system (stainless steel burn pot, catalyst, carburetor, fuel line supplied
with stove)- 2 years
Warranty does not cover gold plated door surface, normal maintenance items such as
paint, glass, and gasket. This warranty does not apply in cases of abuse, mishandling, unauthor-
ized repair, alterations, failures, or operating difficulties due to misuse, accident, misapplica-
tion, improper installation, improper maintenance or service. Kuma Stoves reserves the right
under this warranty to repair, replace, or authorize repair of the defective stove or part at its dis-
cretion. Any warranty concerns should be directed to the authorized dealer.
Your Kuma oil –burning stove has a glass front installed that is constructed of transpar-
ent high temperature ceramic glass. When any type of fuel is burned, certain chemicals are re-
leased in the combustion process. This release, combined with expelled moisture can cause a
stress factor on the glass surface. Fuel oil has sulphur in it and the sulphur can contribute to this
stressing phenomenon which results in micro-crazing. Micro-crazing appears as very fine stress
fractures that look like fine spider webs. It generally does not indicate a structural problem with
the glass– it is only cosmetic. As this is a by-product of combustion and not a defect in the
glass itself, the glass on your stove is an item that is not covered under the warranty of this
stove. There seems to be almost no issues of micro-crazing when burning #1 fuel oil or kero-
sene. However, #2 grade fuels or diesel inherently have a higher sulphur content making it
more susceptible to micro-crazing. There are other advantages to using #1 fuel, such as cleaner
burning and less carbon build-up. Contact your dealer if you have any questions or need a glass