Escape Plan
Prepare and practice a home escape plan twice a year,
including drills at night. Know two ways out of every
room (door & window) and identify a meeting place
outside the home where everyone will gather once
they have exited the residence. When two people
have reached the meeting place, one should leave to
call 999* while the second person stays to account for
additional family members. Establish a rule that
once you’re out, you never go back in to the house
under any circumstance!
For Carbon Monoxide incidences/emergencies
call Transco on 0800 111 999.
e Prevention
Never smoke in bed, or leave cooking food
unattended. Teach children never to play with
matches or lighters! Train everyone in the home to
recognise the alarm pattern, voice message warning
and to leave the home using their escape plan when
it’s heard. Know how to do Stop, Drop and Roll if
clothes catch on fire, and how to crawl low under
smoke. Install and maintain fire extinguishers on every
level of the home and in the kitchen, cellar and garage.
Know how to use a fire extinguisher prior to an
emergency. Second level and higher occupied rooms
with windows, should have an escape ladder.
Fire Safety Information