Your dehumidifier is designedto serveyou year-
round.It needs pracficaflyno attention.However,
you shouldcheck yourdehumidifier and inspectthe
coils annually.
You maywantSearsParts& RepairCenterto
perform this annualcheckup. (Costof theinspection
is the owner's responsibility.)
If youare familiarwithelectricalappliancesandtheir
functions, listedbelow are instructionswhich would
allow youto perform theinspection and
maintenancefor yourself.
Electrical Shock Hazard
• Disconnectpowersupplycordfrom receptacle
beforeperformingany maintenance.
• Be carefulwhen cleaningthecoils.
Finsare sharp.
Failureto follow theabove precautionscould result
in electricalshock or personalinjury.
Cleaning the front case, bucket
and cabinet
Cleanthe front case andthe cabinetwitha soft
cloth,warm water, and amilddetergent.
Cleanthe grillewith a vacuum attachmentor brush.
Do notuse bleachor abrasives.
Cleaning the air filter
1. Removewaterbucketfrom the cabinet.
Pull outthe air filteras shown above.
2, Wash airfilter with warm water anda mild
detergent.Rinse anddry it.
Replaceit in the unit.
Cleaning the coil
1, RemoveFront Grillefrom the cabinet asshown.
2. Usea small brushto gently cleanthecoils as
If necessaryusewarm waterand a mild
detergent. Rinseand dry thoroughly.
CAUTION : Do not spray the coilwith a water hose.
Be careful! Sharp edges!
14 Dehumidifier