t. Pull out the bucketcover.
• Placethumbatposition_ and
pulloutward.Race otherhandat
position _) andpullup,
1. Empty the bucket manually.
Ck_n Inside of bucketwith
brush ordampenedcloth.
• We recommendusinga mild
3. Replacethe bucketcover.
• Makesuretabs(_and _)are
placedas shown.
When thebucketisfull, pull out
and emptyit intoa large sinkor tub
and thenreplaceit properly.
• Do not overlJghtenthe hosewhen
connectingit tothe bucket.Use a
rubberwasher andtightenby
hand firmlywithoutstrippingthe
• Be carefulwhile takingoutthe
bucketas it can causedamage.
• Please do notshake strongly
when you camjthe bucket.It can
cause to breakage ofthe handle
or bucketcover.
It isadvisableto can'ythe bucket
by suppodingitfrom the bottom.
2..Attach a length of garden hose to the threaded bucket drain
nose conne_ion to carry water to the drain.
The buckethas a threaded hose • When beingattachedto the
connectionwhich can be leftopen. bucketdrainhoseconnection,be
Drilla 1/4"(6.4 ram)holeinthe sure the hosedoesn'tkinkor
centerof the hoseconnection, bend. It shouldHefiatfromthe
Once opened,the hoseconnection dehumidifierto the drain.
willcontinually drainwater from the . The hoseattachmentwillaccepta
• The nozzlecannotbe fixed after
puncture.Use an ordinal7garden
hosecap to recleseif necessary.
• When insertingthe bucketintothe
unit.liftingup the bottomtipof the
can attacha screw-oncapto use
the bucketwithouta hose.