Electronically Controlled Dehumidifier Operating Instructions (continued)
When the water receptacle is full the "FULL" light will be lit and the unit wilt Shut-Off. This is the time to empty the bucket
(The Dehumidifier wilt not operate while the bucket is removed) Following emptying the accumulated water, replace the bucket
and the Dehumidifier wil! operate at the last setting chosen_
Dehumidifier Features
Moisture Removal
At first, the dehumidifier wilt remove large amounts of moisture tt will continue to
do so until the relative humidity is reduced to a point where moisture damage wilt
not occur Then, the amount of moisture removed from the air will be atot less,This
indicates the dehumidifier is operating effectively and is maintaining the relative
humidity at the desired level..Judge the performance of the dehumidifier by the
elimination of dampness and dampness odors, not by the amount of water being
deposited in the bucket When bucket has filled with water, unit will turn off. All
models feature an Automatic Shut-Off light that will glow unti! bucket is emptied
and returned to the proper position
Operating Conditions
A dehumidifier wilt not operate satisfactorily if room temperature is 65°F (18°C) or
lower, or if the humidity in the room is low Under these conditions, the
dehumidifier should be turned off
A dehumidifier wifl not eliminate frost on windows during winter, The
dehumidifying coil normally operates above freezing temperatures and cannot
prevent moisture from condensing on the inside of a window pane that is below
TIP: tt may be helpful to use a dehumidifier in the kitchen or laundry area where
the humidity is high, Reducing humidity in these areas may reduce frost on
windows in other parts of the home