Kenmore 1941 Sewing Machine User Manual

Use KENMORE needles. The size of
the needle should conform with the
size of the thread and both should be
suitable to the fabric (See next page).
Never use a bent needle or one with a
blunt point.
Fig. 1. shows you the exact length of
your needle. Be sure you never use
one in your machine that is not this
exact length.
You will find among your accessories
"Q NEZI_LES",.with blue shanks. These
special needles are to be used when
sewing, certain knits and certain
difficult synthetic fabrics. If you
experience skipped stitches in any of
your sewing, use -o NEEDLE",..
Raise needle bar to its highest position
by turning the hand wheel toward you.
Loosen the needle clamp screw. Hold-
ing the needle with the flat side away
from_you, slip the needle into the
needle bar. Make certain it is up as
far as it can go. Tighten the needle
clamp screw-with a screwdriver.
If you have a double needle for decora-
tive stitching, it is inserted in the same
manner as the single needle.