Service and Adjustment (cont'd)
]0. A ncw-gaskct should bc t_scdin all cascs to prcvcnt a possl-
blc watcr Icak. (Scc Elcmcnt Gaskct in thc "Parts Ordcr
List" Chart). Placc thc ncw dcmcnt gaskct on thc thrcad
sidc of thc clcancd or ncw clcmcnt and scrcw into tank,
sccuring tightly t_singan clcmcnt wrcnch.
7, Disconncct thc two _rcs on thc clcmcnt and tmscr_._v thc
old clcmcnt fi'om thc tank,
:11. Closc thc watcr hcatcrd?ain walvcby turning thc handlc to
thc right (dockwisc}. Thc drain val(,c ls on thc Iowcrfront
of thc watcr hcatcr,
]2. Opcn thc cold _atcr supply valvcto thc _atcr hcatcr.
NOTE_ The €old water s_pply valve m_st be left open
when the water heater is in itse,
13. To insurc complctc _lling ofthc yank, allow air to cxJt by"
opcning thc ncarcst hot watcr J:aucct, Allow watcr to rtm
until a consent flow ls obtalncd, This will lct air out ofthc
watcr hcatcr and thc piping,
8. Clcan thc arca around thc clcmcnt opcning. Rcmovc any
scdlmcnt from or around thc clcmcnt opcning and lnsidc
the tank.
9. if you arc clcaning thc clcmcnt you havc rcmovcd, do so by
scraping or soaking in _4ncgar or a &-liming solution.
Replacement elements must (I) be the same volt_,geand I
(2) no g_eator wattage than Iistod on the model rating
plate affixed to the water he_tor.
Never usethis water heater unlessit is completely full of I
water. To prevent damage to the tank and heatlng ele- I
ment, the tank must be filled with water, Water must I
flow from the hot water faucet before turning "ON"
714.Chcck clcmcnt fbr _atcr lcaks, if Icakagc occurs, tightcn
clcmcnt or rcpcat stcps 2 and 3, rcmovc clcmcnt and rcposi-
tion gaskct, Thcn rcpcat stcps 10 through 14,
]5, Rcconncct thc two wircs m thc dcmcnt and thcn chcck to
makc susc thc thcrmostat rcmalns firmly,against thc st_rffacc
ofthc tank,