7. Adjust the filter change wheels to properly indicate when the
next filter change is necessary.
8. Turn the Air Cleaner upright and plug it into an outlet for operation.
Model 32-85254 Modem32-85250
Pre- Pro-
Filter Filter
Filter Fimter
Release LRelease
Buttons Buttons
Tabs _ Slots Tab_ Slots
NOTE: Model 85254 has a built-in ionizer which additionafly
helps dean, freshen and revitalize the air.
I Z_WARNING: To avoid serious injury from electric shock ALWAYS I
turn the air cleaner OFF and disconnect the plug from the out|et
BEFORE cleaning.
1.Turn Air Cleaner OFF and unplug from outlet.
2. Clean unit with a moistened soft cloth only. DO NOT pour
or splash water on the unit or use any abrasive-type cleaner
on it. Clean all external surfaces, especiafly the air intake
grilles and air outlet.
3. DO NOT attempt to dean the pre-filter or HEPA filter; they
ARE NOT washable and washing will damage them.
4. Reposition Air Cleaner plug into power outlet and turn ON.
if you store your Air Cleaner for more than 30 days you should:
1. Remove both the HEPA filter and the pre-filter from the unit.
2. Discard the pre-filter.
3. Wrap the HEPA filter in an air-tight plastic bag or plastic wrap. Be sure
that the filter is totally sealed to protect it from its storage environment.
4. DO NOT put the plastic-wrapped HEPA filter back into the air cleaner.
5. To restore the Air Cleaner to service:
Unwrap the HEPA filter.
, Instafl a new charcoal pro-filter.
, Instafl filter assembly in the air cleaner. See "Filter
Replacement" section for proper installation.