Kenmore 116.24614 Vacuum Cleaner User Manual

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Review this table to find de-it-yourself solutions for minor performance problems, Any ser-
vice needed, other than those described in this owner's manual, should be performed by
an authorized Sears Service Center.
WARNING Electrical Shock Hazard
Disconnect electrical supply before servicing or cleaning the unit.
Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury.
Poor job of dirt
Reset circuitbreaker or =_place k_se
Tripped circu_ breaker/blewn fuse 2.
at household service panel.
Loose hos_ ei_ctpeal connections. 3.
Fult of clogged dustbag. 1.
Clogged airflow passages 2,
Didy filters. 3.
Wrong pile peighl setting. 4.
Suction contrct is open. 5.
Hole in hose. 6.
Worn Power-Mate e agitator. 7.
Worn or broken bel_, 8 & 9.
Dirty agitator or end caps.
C_nistel hood open. 10.
Hose or hood electrical conneclions t.
Tripped overload protector in 2.
Power-Mate _-,
Tripped thermal protector 3.
Power-Mate ®connections 1.
Worn or t_oken belt. 2 & 3.
Oidy agitator or end caps.
Tripped overload protector in 4.
power.Mate _
Switch not in CARPET position. 5.
Pull ordogged dustbeg. I.
Didy filters. 2.
BLocked airflow passage.
Certain attachment fools.
W_ong pile height setting.
Suction too strong.
Burned outlight bulb.
Dirty power cord.
Co_d jammed.
Wrong vacuuming pattern,
Reconnect hose ends, (page 7).
Change bag, (page 13)
Clear aidiow passages, (page 13)
Change filters. (page 14-15).
Adjust selling, {page 10).
Adjust control, (page 11)
Replace hose.
Change agitator, (page lit).
CLEANING, (pages 16-t7).
Close and latch hood,
Cle_nerstartsbut (:7_e_o:)r_c_w_ _er'_r='=ecthoseer_is(_ 7).
cuts off. Removeal_y[ternsthat maybe caught
or jammed,then reset. Ifcleanerstarts
then reset,(pagesit, 16-17).
3. Resetthernml protector,(page12).
Power-Mate_will not 1. Plugin firmly,(page6).
_unwhen attached,
3. CLEANING,(pages 16-17).
4. Checkagitator areafor excessiveIlef
endcaps,then reset,(pagest 1,"=6-17_.
5. MoveswitchtoCARPETpos_on.{page8).
ElectronicBag/Ha_e 1. Changebag, (page13).
CheckIndicatoracti_te$. 2. Changefilters,(page14-15).
3. 3. Cleart_ockagefromalrfk_ Pass_,ge,(page 13).
4. 4. This is normal.IJght _ould gooff
whentool isren_.
Cleanerpicks upmoveable 1. 1. Adjustsetting,(paget0).
rugs,.or-Power.Mate'_ 2. 2. Opensuctioncontrol,(paget 1).
pushe_too hard.
Ught wo_'! work, 1. 1. Changelight I_lb, (page 17).
Cord won'trewind. 1. 1. Cleanthepowerc_rd.
2. 2. Pullcutcordandrewind.
Cleanerleavesmarkoon carpel 1. 1. SeeVACUUMINGTIPS. (page9).