Intec STC SR00180SE Air Cleaner User Manual

REVISION: B – 05/12/03 5 of 10
Introduction (cont.)
1.4 Definitions, Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols
The following are used throughout the manual
fl. oz. Fluid Ounce
in. lb. Inch Pound (torque)
P Differential Pressure
EFS Engine Filter System
STC Supplemental Type Certificate
FAR Federal Aviation Regulation
ICA Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
1.5 Distribution
From time to time it may be necessary to revise or update information contained in this ICA.
Although best efforts will be made to distribute revisions and updates to the registered owner
of the product, it is ultimately the responsibility of the current user to ensure he or she is
using the most current information available. Additional copies of this ICA as well as
revisions and updates may be obtained by contacting Filtration Development Corporation
(FDC) at 415-884-0555. Additionally, you may register to receive these updates when they
are released. When revised pages are received, insertions should be logged on the Record
of Revisions page and the List of Effective Pages log should be updated.