Limited Service Fire Pump Controller
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11. Press the STOP push button to stop the motor.
12. Start and stop the motor with the EMERGENCY MANUAL CONTROL handle. Push and
rotate the T-handle in a quick motion to lock the contactor in the ON position to start.
Rotate the T-handle clockwise and release to stop the motor.
Caution: Failure to engage the handle in a fast and continuous motion can
result in damage to the contactor and failure to start the motor.
If equipped with an LX-250 or LX-350 Automatic Transfer Switch, complete the following
additional tests:
1. Verify connection of the engine generator set start wires to TB-1 and TB-2 at the top of the
LX-250 Transfer Switch power panel or to TB8-1 and TB8–2 on the left side of the LX-350
Transfer Switch power panel.
2. Close the FIRE PUMP (emergency) ISOLATING SWITCH and open the CIRCUIT
BREAKER. The Automatic Transfer Switch should transfer to the alternate source per
system requirements. Bump the motor to check for proper rotation. If incorrect, move the
FIRE PUMP ISOLATING SWITCH to the OFF position and switch the generator set off using
the switch located on the generator. Switch any two leads on the line side of the FIRE PUMP
ISOLATING SWITCH. Return the generator set control switch to the Auto position and close
the FIRE PUMP ISOLATING SWITCH. The generator set may start.
3. Operate the pump on the alternate (emergency) source using the START and STOP push
4. Close the CIRCUIT BREAKER. The Control Module should now be sensing normal power
and timing for retransfer. Press the BYPASS RETRANSFER TO NORMAL push button to
return the Transfer Switch to the normal position.