Outlet to floor drain Install into provided tapping
Manual Release
Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve
4. Install a relief valve overflow pipe to a nearby floor drain. CAUTION: No valve of any type
should be installed between the relief valve and tank or in the drain line.
1. Completely close the drain valve and open the highest hot water valve to allow all air to
escape from piping.
2. Open the valve to the cold water inlet and allow the heater and piping system to completely
fill, as indicated by a steady flow of water from the open faucet.
1. Enter electric enclosure with properly sized feeder leads (use 60° C copper wire for water
heaters rated less than 100 amps; otherwise use 75°C copper wire). Single-phase installations
require two (2) leads; three phase installations require three (3) leads.
2. Install these power leads into the box lugs on the terminal block or magnetic contactor.
3. Torque screws per torque chart included in Section VI.
4. All other electrical connections are made at the factory; therefore, no other electrical
connections are necessary.
1. Check all connections for tightness.
2. Ensure that all the above steps are completed.
3. After the water is heated for the first time, monitor the water temperature as described in
Section III, Quarterly Inspection.
Temperature Probe Temperature Probe