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The micro filter aids in the filtration
process to return clean air to the room.
To remove this filter, open tool lid,
remove dusting brush and pull up red fil-
ter cassette.
If filter is dirty, open grid on cassette
and remove filter. Wash filter in warm
water or replace it with a new one. A
dry filter must be put back into cleaner.
Power Nozzle belt
The belt in your power nozzle drives the
a g i t a t o r. It has been designed specifi-
cally for use in this cleaner and is impor-
tant for effective operation.
What to buy
T h e r e are other belts manufactured that
a r e similar in shape and size, but are not
designed for the HOOVER power nozzle.
Such belts do not operate the agitator
c o r rectly and may create stress which
could damage your power nozzle. Use
only a genuine HOOVER Belt p a r t n o .
4 0 2 0 1 1 8 0 when a belt replacement is
n e c e s s a r y.
When to replace
The belt should be checked from time to
time to be sure it is in good condition. To
check, remove the hood (see following
section). Replace the belt if it is stre t c h e d ,
cut, or broken.
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Continued ➟
Return nozzle to original position and lift
off hood.
How to replace
Disconnect cleaner from electrical
outlet and disconnect power nozzle
from extension wands.
To remove hood, turn nozzle over and
unscrew the 4 recessed Phillips head
Note: Do not remove the 3 screws in
the triangle formation as these hold
the motor in place.
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3 - 1 0
Remove brush roll cover (C) by remov-
ing the 3 Phillips head screws.
3 - 1 1
Lift off brush roll cover (C).
3 - 1 2
If belt is not broken but is stretched or
cut, pull it off the motor pulley (D).
3 - 1 3