Question Answer
What setting should I put my humidifier on? You should run your humidifier on the highest
setting if your room is very dry. Once you are at a
more comfortable humidity you can turn your output
setting to a lower setting.
I ran my humidifier overnight in a very dry
room and the humidity barely changed but my
water level decreased quite a bit.
It may take a few days for your humidity to increase.
Wood, rugs and other objects in your room will
absorb moisture before before you can feel the ef-
fects if it is extremely dry.
Can I run my humidifier without filters? No, your humidifier will not operate properly without
filters. The filters absorb the moisture distributed
by the water flow channel. A quiet fan then blows
through the filters distributing moisture into the air.
How often should I change my wicking filters? In general the wicking filters will last 1-2 month
depending on water quality and usage. See Filter
Replacement section for information on how to
determine when it is time to change the filters.
How do I know my humidifier is operating
You will see water flowing through the water flow
channel on the top of the humidifier. You will also
notice a decrease in the water level after 8 hrs of
I cannot see any mist coming out of my
Your humidifier uses the process of evaporative.
This produces an ultra fine invisible moisture. You
will see your water level decrease and this is an
indication your humidifier is operating properly.
See Troubleshooting Guide for more.
Question Answer
Can I add water treatments to this humidifier? You should only add water treatments to your
humidifier that are specifically made for
evaporative humidifiers such as the Protec
microbial Cleaning Cartridge, model PC-1 or PC-2.
Using water treatments that are not recommended
for evaporative humidifiers could damage your
humidifier. If you are concerned about hard water
it is recommended you use distilled water in your
Cleaning (Continued)