AAttttaacchh HHaannddllee
Snap handle onto vacuum cleaner
as shown.
PPllaayy FFeeaattuurreess
This electronic, talking vacuum
cleaner comes alive with animation,
realistic sounds and fun activities!
• Free-rolling wheels activate speech and vacuum sounds!
• Eyes move as vacuum rolls!
• Barrel spins…"lint" swirls inside!
• 2 interactive personalities talk to each other!
• Button activates speech and sounds!
Vacuum cleaner pivots up and down…just like a real one!
""IIss tthhaatt aa
Tethered brush clips
onto vacuum
cleaner for storage!
Note: When
storing toy, turn
the switch to
"OFF" to prevent
activation. If toy
does not
respond, reset
by moving the
switch to off,
then on
""NNaa!! IItt''ss jjuusstt
aa dduusstt