TLC 2000 Coal Stove
Disposal of Ashes. The TLC 2000 was designed to
provide access to the ash pan without the need for opening
the main door. Wearing heavy protective gloves, open the
ash door and remove the ash pan by pulling it forward by
the handle. Close the ash door before taking the ashes
outside for safe disposal.
A good time to empty the ash pan is before loading.
This ensures that the ashes will be cold and safer to handle
than directly after shaking the ashes down or tending the
Ashes should be placed in a metal container with a
tight fitting lid. The closed container of ashes should be
placed on a noncombustible floor or on the ground, well
away from all combustible materials, pending final dis-
posal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in soil or
otherwise locally dispersed, they should be retained in the
closed container until all cinders have thoroughly cooled.
Never use the ash disposal container for other trash.
Wood ash can be added to your garden or compost.
Open the coal air control to the maximum postion
by sliding it to the right. Allow the fire to burn vigorously
for several minutes. Shake the grates with short choppy
strokes until the first red coals fall into the ash pan, then
stop! Add coal to the top of the coal bed. It is good to let
an edge of red coal exposed to help ignite the gases comming
off of the coal. These gasses will produce a blue flame. The
coal air control may be returned to the desired setting.
Stainless Steel Cooking Grill (Optional )
The cooking grill can be used for open fire grilling over
anthracite coal or wood.
To install the grill place the handle in the grill as shown
at left. The grill can now be lifted and positioned in the open-
ing on top of the stove as shown below left.
Caution: Cooking Grill May Be Hot. Always wear
gloves when handling the grill.
Cooking on anthracite coal produces flavor similar to a
gas grill.
Cooking on wood produces many flavors depending on
the type of wood used. More flavor is added when cooking is
done with the top closed. This causes the heat and smoke to
circle around the food.
As with any cooking, the amount of heat and length of
time it is cooked must be experimented with for best results.
Cooking Grill
TLC 2000 with cooking grill in action
Ash Pan