Usingthe dehumidifier, gecom
When first using the dehumidifier, operate the unit continuously 24 hours.
How the Dehumidifier Operates Automatic Defrost
Moist, lmmid air is drawn over a cold refi_igerated
delmmidif)ing coil. Moisture in the air condenses
on this coil and drains into a bucket (or through
a hose and drain).
Dr,x; clean air is drawn through the condenser
where it is heated and discharged out the top grille
into the room.
It isnormalforthe surroundingair to becomeslightly
warmeras thedehumidifieroperates.
&&]_en fl'ost builds up on the evaporator coils, the
compressor will Q:cle off and the tim will continue
to run until the ti'ost disappears.
_]_en the coil is defrosted, the compressor or tim
will automatically restart and dehumidifying will
Choosing a Location
A dehumidifier operating in a basement will have
little or no effect in dr)ing an ac!jacent enclosed
storage area, such as a closet, unless there is
adequate circulation of air in and out of the area.
• Donotuseoutdoors.
• Thisdehumidifieris intendedforindoorresidential
usedfor commercialor industrialapplications.
• Placethedehumidifierona smooth,levelfloor
strong enoughto supporttheunit with a full bucket
of water.
• Allowatleast 12-18inchesof airspace onallsides
of theunitfor goodair circulation.
• Placethedehumidifierin anarea where the
temperaturewill not fallbelow 4I°F (5°0. Thecoils
can becomecoveredwith frostat temperatures
below41°F,which mayreduceperformance.
• Usethedehumidifierin cooking,laundrg,bathing
and dishwashingareasthat haveexcessive
fromthe clothesdryer.
• Usethe dehumidifiertoprevent moisturedamage
anywherebooks or valuablesare stored.
• Usethedehumidifierin a basementto help prevent
• Thedehumidifiermustbe operatedin an enclosed
areato be mosteffective.
• Closeall doors,windows and otheroutsideopenings
tothe room.
12 18"rain. 12 1U rain.
NOTE"Thedehumidifierhas rollerstoaid placement,
but it shouldonlybe rolled onsmooth,flat surfaces.
Donot attempttoroll the dehumidifieron carpet or