4.9 The ideal control settings to suit the particular installation
and personal preferences will be established by experience
in using the stove. It is not recommmended to load large
amounts of fuel and burn with the Primary Air Control on
low settings for long periods of time as this will reduce the
effectiveness off the glass cleaning effect of the airwash.
Also this will help reduce the build-up of tar and creosotes
within the stove and flue system.
4.10 We would recommend that the stove be burnt at high
output for at least 30 minutes each day when it is in use.
This will help reduce the build-up of tars and creosotes
within the stove and flue system.
Burn only manufactured smokeless fuels, suitable for use
in closed appliances.
4.12 Do not burn bituminous coal, ‘petro-coke’ or other
petroleum based fuels, as this will invalidate the product
5.1 Do not use the appliance at maximum output for prolonged
periods of time, or over-fill the firebox with fuel, as this
could result in over-firing. If the connecting fluepipe,
appliance flue collar or top plate glow red with heat the
appliance is being over-fired and the air controls should be
closed to reduce the output.
5.2 Over-firing of enamel stoves will cause permanent damage
to the finish and will appear as small cracks or flaking
5.3 Do not load fuel higher than the log guard at the front of
the stove and the secondary combustion air inlet holes at
the back of the firebox.
5.4 If a chimney fire occurs shut all air controls immediately to
close the appliance down, and evacuate all persons from
the building before calling the fire brigade. Do not re-enter
the building until it is confirmed safe to do so.
5.5 Following a chimney fire do not use the appliance until it is
inspected, by a HETAS (GB only)/INFO (Eire only) registered
installer, to confirm that the appliance is safe to use, or
make any repairs required before re-use. Only genuine
Stovax replacement parts are to be used to keep your
appliance in safe and efficient working order.
5.6 After any chimney fire it is recommended that the chimney
system be inspected and swept by a NACS registered
(UK only) chimney sweep, to confirm that the system is
structurally sound and free from any obstructions before
6.1 If the stove is not to be used during the warmer periods of
the year it is recommended to clean and service the stove,
as detailed in the Maintenance and Servicing section on
page 10.
6.2 The air controls should be set in the 50% open position to
keep the appliance ventilated, and stop the build-up of any
moisture inside.
6.3 Before re-lighting the stove remove the baffles, clear any
debris that may have accumulated, and check the flue is
clear of any blockages.
7.1 The burning of any fuel will produce ash, which will have
to be removed after a period of use. This time will depend
on the fuel used. Before removing the ash from the stove it
is advisable to let the fire burn down to a low level, or even
go out completely. The ashpan can then be removed using
gloved hands, after opening the ashdoor (Huntingdon 30,
35, 40 multifuel stoves / main firedoor Huntingdon 25/28).
7.2 As heat can remain in the ash for a long period after use
care must be taken when removing and carrying the full
ashpan. We suggest that the ashpan be carried using gloved
hands, or the ash is placed directly in to a Stovax Ash
Caddy (Stovax Part No. 4227).
7.3 Do not place ash in a bin made from plastic or any other
combustible material.
8.1 When burning wood the amount of ash will be smaller and
may only need removal once every week. To do this, allow
the fire to burn out and cool. Open the main door, then
after removing the log retainer scoop out the ash with a
suitable shovel. It is best to leave a layer of ash in the stove
to form a bed for the new fire.
8.2 Do not place ash in a bin made from plastic or any other
combustible material.
9.1 Wood: Burn only seasoned timber, with a moisture content
of less than 20% with a recommended cut length of
300mm. In most cases, this would require drying cut wood
for 12 to 18 months before use. Poor quality timber could
cause low combustion efficiency, produce large amounts of
harmful condensation, which could reduce the effectiveness
of the airwash system, and ultimately the life of the stove.
Do not burn construction timber, painted, impregnated
/ treated wood, manufactured board products or pallet
The symptoms of poor performance related to poor quality
wood include: -
• Difficulty getting a fire going and keeping it burning well,
• Smoky fires with little flame,
7. ASH REMOVAL (Multi-fuel stoves)
8. ASH REMOVAL (Wood-burning stoves)