Your new Friedrich Room Air Conditioner has been carefully
engineered and man u fac tured to give you many years of de pend able,
effi cient operation, keeping your room at a comfortable temperature
and hu mid i ty level. Many extra fea tures have been built into your
Friedrich Room Air Conditioner to assure quiet operation, greatest
circulation of cool, dry air, most fl exible selection of function controls,
and high economy of operation.
There are many things you can do in and around your home to save
more money - and even increase the effi ciency and long life of your
Friedrich unit. Here are a few examples:
1. How to Set Thermostat: When you fi rst turn on your air
conditioner, select the highest fan speed and set the ther mo stat
to its coldest position to cool the room. When the desired
tem per a ture is reached, turn the ther mo stat control toward
"warmer" until the compressor goes off. The thermostat
will then cause the compressor to go on and off to maintain
this selected temperature. You can adjust the fan speed for
optimum air circulation.
2. Do not block the fl ow of air to and from the unit - make sure the
louvers are directed to give even dis tri bu tion of air throughout
the room. Caution: If air is obstructed and/or defl ected back
into the air conditioner, this may cause the unit to cycle on and
off rapidly, which could damage your unit.
3. Adequate insulation - walls, ceilings, and below fl oors - can save
up to 50% of the cost of cooling in most areas of the country.
4. Caulking: in well insulated homes, air leaks around doors,
windows, lighting and plumbing fi x tures can account for as
much as 30% of the load on heating and cooling systems. See
that all these areas are well caulked.
5. Install weather stripping (metal is preferable to felt) around
exterior doors and windows.
6. Have a fi replace? Be sure the damper is closed during air
conditioner operation.
7. When it’s time to reroof or repaint the outside of your home,
choose light colors. They refl ect heat instead of absorbing it.
8. Shade your outside walls (especially on the west) from the direct
sun; most importantly, shade the unit itself Trees and shrubs
provide natural shading, but make sure they don’t block the air
fl ow around the unit. If natural shade isn’t present, awnings are
the best solution for shading the unit and the windows. Also,
avoid areas where too much dust or pollen would be drawn
into the air conditioner.
9. Inside the house, use blinds, screens, or drapes on windows
exposed to the sun. They will reduce your cooling needs.
(Lined or insulated draperies will also help cut heating costs
in winter).
10. Make sure your attic area is properly vented. In addition,
consider installing turbine or power ven ti la tors to help remove
hot air from your attic.
11. Keep your Friedrich unit clean. Use a vacuum cleaner
attachment for accessible parts, but take care not to damage
them. Clean the reusable fi lter at least twice a month.
12. Set the thermostat at a higher temperature - save 5% in energy
usage for each degree of temperature over 72°F.
These are the most important suggestions for saving money on
cooling costs. Some, however, may not be ap pli ca ble to your house
or area. Check with your local utility company for more specialized
WELCOME to years of economical comfort