The competition begins again with the
same settings.
After the game begins, press CANCEL to
return to the main menu. Or you can press
the MENU button to return to the main
menu at any time.
Adding Players ✓
In Competition, you must add at least two
players, and you can add up to six players.
Players can be designated as “Human”
players if you are playing with friends or
“Computer” players if you want to compete
against the computer.
1. From the game setup screen, press
The add player screen is displayed.
2. Select the type of player you want to
Note: Your rst player must always be a
human player.
When you select a computer player,
you must also select its skill level. Your
computer opponent can be a Novice,
Medium or Super speller.
3. Press OK to continue.
The character selection screen is
Or you can press CANCEL to return to
the game setup screen.
4. Select a character.
Select an avatar and type a name.
Please see “Selecting a Character” for
more information.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 in this section until
you are nished adding players,
then return to step 5, in “Playing
Competition” above.
Note: You can add up to six players.
Playing the Games
In addition to the Spelling Bee games, your
device also includes two other games -
Hangman and Jumble.
Hangman selects a mystery word and
challenges you to guess it letter by letter. You
have to guess the word to save the cowboy.
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Press the arrow icons to cycle through
the options until Games is displayed.
3. Press the Games option to see the
Games menu.
4. Press HANGMAN.
The Hangman menu is displayed.
5. Press NEW GAME to begin a new game.
You can also select other options from the
Hangman menu.
Press OPTION to open the options menu
where you can change the skill level or
view the high scores. Please see “Changing
the Skill Level” for more information.
Press HELP to display instructions for the
game. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to read
the text. Press CLOSE to return to the
Press EXIT to leave the game and return to
the Games menu. Press YES to leave the
game. Press NO to return to the Hangman
6. Type letters you think are in the mystery
Each wrong guess that you make causes
another piece of the cowboy to appear.
When he is whole, you lose. When you
guess a letter correctly, it gets lled in
everywhere it appears in the mystery
Note: The letters of the mystery word are
hidden. The number of guesses remaining
is displayed as a red number on the screen.
Points are awarded for each correctly
guessed letter and subtracted for each
wrong guess.
Press MENU for hints and other options.
Please see “Using the Hints Menu” for more
7. Continue playing until you get a word
If your score registers as a high score, you
are asked to input your name. Type your
name and press OK. Press CANCEL if you
don’t want to add your score.
Note: If your time is not a high score, you
go directly to the Hangman menu.
8. Press OK to continue.
To clear the high scores, press CLEAR ALL.
9. Press NEW GAME to play again.
Using the Hints Menu ✓
During a game, press MENU for additional
Press NEW GAME to start a new round.
Press BACK to return to the current game.
Press HELP to display instructions for the
game. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to read
the text. Press CLOSE to return to the
Press QUIT to end the game. Press YES to
return to the Hangman menu or press NO
to return to the current game.
Press HINT to reveal one letter in the
mystery word. The number of hints
remaining is displayed next to the menu
item. The number of hints available at the
beginning of a game is determined by the
skill level.
Changing the Skill Level ✓
You can change the skill level at the
Options menu. You can select a level from
1 to 5. The skill level aects the diculty
of the words, the number of guesses, and
the number of hints allowed. Level 5 is the
most dicult level.
At the Hangman menu, press OPTION.
The Level option is highlighted. Press the
arrow icons to change the skill level. Press
OK to save your changes. Press CANCEL to
exit the Options menu without saving your
Jumble displays a series of letters. You have to
reorder the letters to spell the mystery word.
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Press the arrow icons to cycle through
the options until Games is displayed.
3. Press the Games option to see the
Games menu.
4. Press JUMBLE.
5. Press NEW GAME to begin a new game.
You can also select other options from the
Press OPTION to open the Options menu
where you can change the skill level or
view the high scores. Please see “Changing
the Skill Level” for more information.
Press HELP to display instructions for the
game. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to read
the text. Press CLOSE to return to the
Press EXIT to leave the game and return to
the Games menu. Press YES to leave the
game. Press NOtoreturntotheJumble
6. Spell a word by pressing the letters in
the order you think they belong.
You must use all the letters on the screen.
If a letter appears more than once, it will
appear as many times as it appears in the
mystery word.
Press DEL to erase the last letter used.
Press MENU for hints and other options.
Please see “Using the Hints Menu” for more
7. Press OK.
If your score registers as a high score, you
are asked to input your name. Type your
name and press OK. Press CANCEL if you
don’t want to add your score.
Note: If your time is not a high score, you
8. Press OK to continue.
To clear the high scores, press CLEAR ALL.
9. Press NEW GAME to play again.
Using the Hints Menu ✓
During a game, press MENU for additional
Press NEW GAME to start a new round.
Press BACK to return to the current game.
Press HELP to display instructions for the
game. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to read
the text. Press CLOSE to return to the
Press QUIT to end the game. Press YES to
returntotheJumblemenuorpressNO to
return to the current game.
Press SHUFFLE to reorder the provided
Changing the Skill Level ✓
You can change the skill level at the
Options menu. You can select a level from
1 to 5. The skill level aects the diculty
of the words. Level 5 is the most dicult
The Level option is highlighted. Press the
arrow icons to change the skill level. Press
OK to save your changes. Press CANCEL to
exit the Options menu without saving your
Model: SSB-208 Speaking Spelling Bee
•Batteries: three AAA
•Size: 100 x 57 x 26 mm
•Weight: 100 g
© 2007-2010 Franklin Electronic Publishers,
rights reserved.
© 1998-2007 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.
All rights reserved.
New Oxford American Dictionary, 2nd Edition
© Oxford Universtity Press 2005.
© 2007 Tik Games, LLC.