Firex PAR230 Smoke Alarm User Manual

DANGER: Always turn off power at main fuse box or
consumer unit before taking trouble- shoot-
ing action.
WARNING: DO NOT disconnect battery or mains
power to quiet an unwanted alarm. This
will remove your protection. Fan the air or
open a window to remove smoke or dust.
For Models GC240, I240C, PADC240,
PG240, PAR230 and IAR230C you may also
use the False Alarm Control feature to
quiet unwanted alarms.
Smoke alarm does not 1. Check that AC power
sound when tested. is turned on. Green LED
should be illuminated.
2. Turn off power. Remove
smoke alarm from
mounting plate and:
a. check that connector
plug is securely
b. check that battery is
properly attached to
3. Clean smoke alarm.
Smoke alarm beeps about 1. Turn off power and
once a minute. replace battery. See
(Models I240C and Battery Replacement”
PAD240 only) in the MAINTENANCE
2. Clean smoke alarm.
(Models IAR230C and 3. Verify that unit has been
PAR230) under mains operation
for a minimum of 2 full
days. If the beeping
persists after required
charging period, return
the unit for service.
Smoke alarm sounds 1. Hire an electrician to
unwanted alarms when move smoke alarm to a
residents are cooking, new location. See
taking showers, etc. "SMOKE ALARM
Interconnected smoke 1. Press and hold test
alarms do not sound when button for at least
system is tested. three seconds after the
first unit sounds.
2. Hire an electrician to
ensure smoke alarms
are properly connected.
NOTE: Push test but-
ton for at least five (5)
seconds while testin