Component Operation and Maintenance
Figure 22 Recommended liquid sensor locations
The zone leak detection kit provides leak detection for a defined zone. This kit is ideal for perimeter
sensing or serpentine coverage of small areas. A simple, two-wire connection signals the alarms at a
Liebert environmental unit or at a monitoring panel. Run wires to the Liebert unit and connect them
to terminals 24 and 51, 55 or 56. The sensor utilizes Liebert's LT500Y leak detection cable. The kit is
offered with five different lengths of cable sized specifically for the type of Liebert Environmental unit
(see matrix below). Refer to matrix below for the recommended location of leak detection cable.
Remote Shutdown
A connection point is provided for customer supplied remote shutdown devices. This terminal strip is
located at the top of upflow units, and at the base of downflow units. Terminals 37 and 38 on the ter-
minal strip are jumpered when no remote shutdown device is installed.
Table 4 Zone leak detection kit installation scenarios
Upflow Unit
entire unit
Upflow Unit
Detection on sides
in front of unit
Downflow Unit
entire unit
Downflow Unit
Detection on sides
in front of unit
Distance From Unit, feet (m)
In back 2 (0.6) No cable behind 1 (0.3) No cable behind
On sides 2 (0.6) 2 (0.6) 1 (0.3) 1 (0.3)
In front 2 (0.6) 2 (0.6) 6 (1.8) 6 (1.8)
Unit (footprint-in.) Part Number
Liebert Challenger 3000
and Liebert Challenger ITR
(32.5 x 32.5)
LT460-Z30 LT460-Z20 LT460-Z30 LT460-Z25
Liebert Unit
Recommended Liebert
Liqui-tect location
Floor drain