Earlex SC77 Carpet Cleaner User Manual

Connect the universal handle to the jet nozzle head. Select the scraper head or brush to fit the nozzle end if
equired and push on to the nozzle.
PIug the boiler unit in and wait for steam to appear at the accessory head. 2C.>2;35;@C.@2>16?05.>42
<>6;>@;?@2.9296??6;:This accessory can be used for cleaning all round the house, stoves, cupboards,
work surfaces, toilets, sinks, lawnmowers etc. It both cleans and disinfects at the same time. It can also be used
to defrost your freezer in minutes with no inconvenience.
leans lawnmowers,
use with scraper
Defrosts freezers
Connect the universal handle to the jet nozzle head and push one end of the sink unblocker
tube into the hole in the end of the jet nozzle.
Thread the sink unblocker tube through the strainer in the plug hole to be unblocked. PIug
the boiler unit in and once steaming, further insert the sink unblocker tube towards the
If whilst using the sink unblocker, you see steam escaping from the safety valve on the boiler
unit, you may have blocked the tube by pushing it too hard into a blockage.
DO NOT FORCE SAFETY VALVE SHUT - switch off the boiler unit, remove the sink
unblocker tube and clean with a small screwdriver, stiff wire or knitting needle.
Once steam is coming out under the surface of the water you will hear a rattle as the steam
causes considerable vibration. The combination of heat and vibration will loosen and
dissolve the blockage. Once the blockage starts to clear, water should be run through while
the sink unblocker is still operating to flush out the blockage.
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Connect the universal handle to the upholstery cleaner head. Fit the cleaning toweI to the
head in the same way as the Floor Cleaner (see page 5). Spare towels can be purchased
from Earlex. Used towels can be washed out and reused. Wash at 90˚C for maximum
longevity. Do not use bleach or fabric conditioner. Use only one third of normal soap powder
to avoid clogging of the fibres.
The upholstery cleaner head can also be used for removing the creases from hanging
curtains and to clean and remove creases from overcoats, suits, jackets, trousers, etc.