Dometic Gravity-Flush Toilet Installation / Operation
6.2 Toilet installation
1. To replace an older toilet, turn off water supply to toilet. Remove and drain water supply line.
Remove toilet hold-down bolts/screws. Remove toilet from oor. Remove and discard old oor
ange seal and hold-down bolts. Verify center of oor ange is at least 10 inches / 254 mm (for
model 310) or 11 inches / 279 mm (for model 320) from back wall (g.
A, page 3). Make sure
top surface of oor ange is clean and free of any debris or sealant.
2. If installing a new oor ange, make certain that toilet mounting holes are located at the correct
angle (g.
B, page 3). Floor ange must be secured to oor with a minimum of four screws
(8 is preferred). Insert two supplied T-bolts into slots in oor ange (g.
, page 3).
3. Verify that oor ange seal is installed on base of toilet (g.
A, page 3). Carefully set toilet
over oor ange. Align holes in toilet base with T-bolts as toilet is lowered onto oor ange.
Toilet must be aligned so that outlet of base ts inside of oor ange outlet hole.
Entire toilet base does not rest completely on oor yet. Floor seal must be compressed in
following steps.
4. Install oor mounting nuts and washers onto T-bolts. Carefully torque nuts to 30-40 inch-
pounds. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. Alternate between sides when tightening to prevent
distortion of base. When tight, base should be securely attached and at against oor.
Attach bolt covers onto nuts. (Fig.
B, page 3)
5. If toilet is being installed in a shower stall, apply a bead of caulk around base of toilet to prevent
water seepage under base.
6. Connect water supply line and torque connection to 30-40 inch-pounds.
C, page 3)
7. Turn on water supply line. Flush toilet several times and check for leaks.
7 Operation
7.1 Add water to bowl
To add water to the toilet, press the ush pedal
part way down. Water ows into the bowl while
ush ball remains closed. If the ush ball moves,
let up on the pedal slightly. Adding water to an
empty bowl helps prevent holding tank odors from
entering the living space. Adding water is recom-
mended prior to ushing solids and toilet paper.
7.2 Flush toilet
To ush, press pedal down until it contacts the
oor. Release pedal after complete ush.
• When ushing liquids, press the pedal for 1-2 seconds.
• When ushing solids, press pedal until contents are rinsed from bowl. Flushing longer than
necessary will cause holding tank to ll too quickly.
A small amount of water will collect in the bowl after a ush to create an airtight seal.
To prevent holding tank odors from entering the living space, make sure a small amount of
water remains in the toilet bowl.
Flush directions are located under
toilet seat lid.