For more information, visit www.desatech.com
NOTICE: This heater is in tend ed for use as sup ple -
men tal heat. Use this heater along with your pri ma ry
heat ing system. Do not in stall this heat er as your pri-
ma ry heat source. If you have a central heating system,
you may run sys tem’s cir cu lat ing blower while us ing
heater. This will help cir cu late the heat throughout the
house. In the event of a pow er out age, you can use
this heat er as your pri ma ry heat source.
WARNING: A qualifi ed ser vice per son must in stall
heater. Fol low all lo cal codes.
NOTICE: State or local codes may only allow op er a tion
of this ap pli ance in a vented confi guration. Check
your state or local codes.
WARNING: Make sure the selector switch is in the
OFF po si tion before installing heater.
WARNING: Before installing in a solid fuel burn-
ing fi replace, the chimney fl ue and fi rebox must be
cleaned of soot, creosote, ash es and loose paint by
a qual i fi ed chim ney cleaner. Creosote will ignite if
highly heated. A dirty chimney fl ue may create and
dis trib ute soot within the house. In spect chim ney fl ue
for damage. If damaged, repair fl ue damper before
operating heater.
WARNING: Seal any fresh air vents or ash clean-
out doors lo cat ed on fl oor or wall of fi replace. If not,
drafting may cause pilot outage or sooting. Use a heat-
resistant sealant. Do not seal chimney fl ue damp er.
WARNING: Never install the heater
• in a bedroom or bathroom un less installed as a
vented ap pli ance, see page 10
• in a recreational vehicle
• where curtains, furniture, cloth ing, or other fl am-
ma ble ob jects are less than 42 inches from the
front, top, or sides of the heater
• in high traffi c areas
• in windy or drafty areas
WARNING: Maintain the min i mum clearances. If
you can, pro vide greater clear anc es from fl oor, ceil-
ing, and adjoining wall.
IMPORTANT: Vent-free heaters add mois ture to the air. Although
this is ben e fi cial, installing heater in rooms without enough ven ti -
la tion air may cause mildew to form from too much moisture. See
Air for Com bus tion and Ventilation, pages 4 through 6.
Use the correct gas type (natural or pro pane/LP) for your unit. If
your gas supply is not correct, do not install fi replace. Call dealer
where you bought fi replace for prop er type fi re place.
Minimum Firebox Size
Log Front Rear*
Size Height Depth Width Width
18" 17" 14" 24" 20"
24" 17" 14" 28" 22"
Log Size 18", 24"
Side Wall 16"
Ceiling 42"
Floor 5"
*Measured at 14" depth
CAUTION: This heater cre ates warm air currents.
These currents move heat to wall sur fac es next to
heater. Installing heater next to vinyl or cloth wall cov-
er ings or operating heater where im pu ri ties (such as,
but not limited to, to bac co smoke, ar o mat ic can dles,
cleaning fl u ids, oil or kerosene lamps, etc.) in the air
exist, may dis col or walls or cause odors.
Check Gas Type
Installation and Clearances for Vent-Free Operation