6. Attach the User Safety Instruction label to the wall
neat the door control, and the Maintenance
Instruction label in a prominent location on the
inside of the garage door.
Page 32 explains how to use the door control.
, r
Do NOT connect the power and operate the
openerat this time. The trolley will travel to the
full open position but wilt not return to the
close position until the sensor beam is
connected and properly aligned.
See Safety Reversing Sensor instructions
beginning on page 21.
Installation Step 7
Install the Light and the Lens
Install the light:
• Install a 75 watt maximum light bulb in each
socket. The lights will turn ON and remain litfor
approximately 4-1/2 minutes when power is
connected. Then the lights will turn OFF.
• If the bulbs bum out prematurely due to vibration,
replace them with standard neck "Garage Door
Opener =bulbs.
Install the lens:
• Apply slight pressure on the sides of each lens
and slide the tabs into the slots in the side panels.
', For convenience, the lens may be Installed
after Adjustment Step 4 on page 30.
• Reverse the procedure to remove the lenses.
Installation Step 8
Attach the Emergency
Release Rope and Handle
I Do not use the red handle to pull the door
open or closed. The rope knot could become
untied and you could fall. Use the emergency
• Thread one end of the rope through the hole in release only to disengage the trolley and, if
the top of the red handle so "NOTICE" reads dght possible, only when the door Is closed.
side-up a_shown. Secme with an overhand knot. Garage doors are heavy. _t the door is open
The knot should be at least 1" from the end of
the rope to prevent slipping.
:• Thread the other end ofthe rope through the hole
in the release arm of the outer trolley.
• Adjust rope length so the handle is 6 feet above
the floor. Secure with an overhand knot.
If it is necessary to cut the rope, heat seal the
cut end with a ma_ch or lighter to prevent
when the handle is pulled, the door could
close inadvertently if it Is not properly
balanced. Serious Injury may result to persons
under the door. Make sure the doorway is clear
of persons and obstructions before pulling
handle when door is open.
Rem Handle