Item 40148
125 V~ / 15 A (Tungsten and Resistive) / 60 Hz / 1,875 W
To prevent serious injury:
Indoor use only. Keep dry. Do not touch while wet.1.
1,875 watts maximum;2. do not exceed.
Read manual before use.3.
Keep away from children.4.
Only plug into 125 V~ outlet.5.
People with pacemakers should consult their physician(s) before 6.
use. Electromagnetic î‚¿elds in close proximity to heart pacemaker
could cause pacemaker interference or pacemaker failure.
Setting the present time: 1. Rotate the dial so that the present time is lined up with
the arrow. Note: Dial is set up for 24 hour day (A.M. hours are 1 to 12, P.M. hours
are 13 to 24) Example: 2 P.M. = 14 on the dial.
Setting the ON/OFF function: 2. Note the black time indicators behind the dial.
Each time indicator represents 15 minutes. When setting the ON/OFF function,
you have to push the appropriate time indicators down, away from the dial.
Example: Setting the light to turn on at 8 P.M. and turn off at 6 A.M. All time indi-
cators between 20 (8 P.M.) and 6 (6 A.M.) must be pushed down, away from the
dial. When setting the time indicators, be careful not to turn the dial away from the
present time.
Note the RED ON/OFF switch on the side of the Timer.3. Pushing this switch
away from the nearby receptacle will activate the timer. Push this switch toward
the receptacle to deactivate the Timer.
The ON/OFF schedule set up will remain in place each day unless it is changed.
The Timer has two electrical receptacles. A maximum of two appliances
can be controlled at one time, on the same schedule. Do not connect more
cords (multiple appliances to a single plug) to the timer.
Plug the one or two appliances into the Timer. Set the ON/OFF switch to ON. 4.
Plug the Timer into an 125 V~ electrical outlet, and the Timer set-up is complete.