_C Select thermostat
operation in degrees
Fahrenheit or Celsius.
_On Select the display back-
light always On, or OI1'
after 8 seconds.
(_ Adjust the preoccupancy
fan purge timer.
0 - 3 hours.
0:00 = off
n, nN
Select the unit ID for
'Soft Start'. This is used
in multiple installs to
(_ stagger equipment turn
on times. 0 = off.
Each Number =(3Oseconds)
second delay.
(0 to 99)
Press the Mode button, While holding the Mode, press the Program button
leave the Setup screens. If no buttons are pressed, the display will leave the
setup screens after 30 seconds,
Advanced Setup Table
1 Time of day clock set 24 hour 12:00 Am
2 Day of the week Su - Sa Mo
3 Heat Pump Off / On Off
4 Deadband or Temperature swing 1 - 6 F 2 F
Forced minimum difference heat/
5 ,_ool 0 - 6 F 2 F
6 Cycles per hour d, dl, 2 - 6 6
7 Security Levels 0 - 3 0
8 Maximum allowable Heat set point 35 - 99 F 80 F
9 Minimum allowable Cool set point 35 - 99 F 65 F
10 Fahrenheit or Celsius F / C F
11 Thermeglow TM backlight Off / On On
12 Fan Purge timer 0:00 - 3:00 0:00 min.
13 Soft Start 0 - 99 0
CLOCK BACKUP -- In the event of a power loss,
the thermostat internal clock will continue to keep
proper time for a minimum of 48 hours without
external power or batteries.
TWO-STAGE OPERATION -- The Second Stage of
heat (Heat pump models only) is turned on when
(1) the first Stage has been on for a minimum of two
minutes, and (2) the temperature spread from the
set point is equal to or greater than: the setpoint
temperature plus the deadband, plus 2 degrees.
Heatif_g CooBf_g
-- The Heat and Cool set point temperature will not
be allowed to come any closer to each other than
the value set in Advanced Setup Step 5, on page 4.
This minimum difference is enforced during Auto
changeover and Program On operation.
selected, the fan will run continuously at all times,
except in Off, and will only run if there is a heating
or cooling demand in Unoccupied periods.
• OVERRIDE -- As explained on page 3, pressing
the Override button during a programmed, Unoccu-
pied period will force the thermostat into Occupied
1, temporarily, up to 4 hours. If the Override button
is pressed during an Occupied period, the thermo-
stat will be forced into Unoccupied and the occu-
pied number (1,2 or 3), it was forced out of will be
turned off, only for that day.
During Override periods the set point temperature
may be adjusted, but they will not be remembered
after Override ends.
• HEAT-- First Stage = Heat Pump. Second Stage =
Heat Pump and Electric Heat.
• FAN PURGE TIMER -- When this feature is acti-
vated, the fan will turn on during Unoccupied at a
preset amount of time prior to Occupied 1. This pre-
occupancy fan purge timer may be set as instructed
on this page, Step 12, from 0 to 3 hours. 0 = this
feature turned off.
• KEYPAD LOCK -- To prevent unauthorized use of
the thermostat, the front panel buttons may be dis-
abled. To disable, or 'lock' the keypad, press and
hold in the Mode button. While holding the Mode
button in, press the Up and Down buttons in
together. The Locked icon will appear on the
__= l_ pm unoccu#ied
Press all 3 for < _ Locked
Keypad Lockout \ ......../ "_ ON
To unlock the buttons, again press and hold the
Mode button. While holding the Mode button in,
press the Up and Down buttons in together. The
Locked icon will disappear from the display.
DRY CONTACT SWITCH -- The terminals are 'nor-
mally open'. Closing or completing the circuit will
cause the thermostat to enter Occupied 1. This fea-
ture allows an external device such as a Central
Time Clock, Occupancy Sensor, or a Telephone
activated device to force 1 or more thermostats into
Occupied 1. For the Dry Contact to work the ther-
mostat must be in Program On. Set Occupied 1
to Offforall 7days, so the Contact closure will be in
control. When the thermostat is forced into
Occupied 1 via the Dry Contact closure, the icon
Occupied 1 will blink.
turn on turn on Set Point Set Poi_t turne4_
3rd S_age 2rid Stage 1st Stage Low Med H_gh _ Fan Speeds
High Med Low
Page 5