sorbedfromtheoutsideair.So,to maintainenergy --efficient opera-
tion, your unit has an automatic defrost mode.
The defrost mode starts at a preset time interval of 60 minutes, al-
though, it may be reset to 30, 90 or 120 minutes. Defrost will start
atthe presettimeonlyiftheiceissufficienttointerferewith normal
heating operation.
After the iceismelted from the coil, or aftera maximum of 10 min-
utesindefrostmode,theunitautomaticallyswitchesback tonormal
heating operation.
defrost mode. Water vapor from t he melting icemay c ondenseinto
a mist in the cold outside air.
During certain weatherconditions suchas heavy snow and freezing
rain itis not uncommon for iceto build up on the unit grille. This i s
normalforthese weather conditions. Do not attempt to removethe
ice from the unit grille. This condition will not affect the proper
function of the unit and will clear within a few days.
Emergency Heating Mode
In the event of primary unit heat failure, the emergency heatmode
allowsyour supplementalheating source to keep yourhome or of-
ficewarmuntilyourunitcanbeserviced. Contactyourdealerinthe
event of primary unit heat failure.
This section discusses maintenance that should be performed by
yourdealerand careyou,astheowner, maywishtohandleforyour
new unit.
Routine Maintenance
Allroutine maintenanceshould behandledby skilled, experienced
personnel.Yourdealercan helpyou establish astandardprocedure.
Toassureproperfunctioning oftheunit,flowofcondenserairmust
not be obstructed from reaching the unit. Clearance from the top of
the unit is 48 in. (1219 mm). Clearance of at least 36 in. (914 mm)
is required on sides except the power entry side (42 in. clearance)
Maintenance and Care for the Equipment Owner
Before proceeding with those things you might want to maintain
yourself, please carefully consider the following:
Failureto follow this warning could resultin personal injury,
death or property damage.
2. When removing accesspanels orperforming maintenance
functions inside your unit, be aware of sharp sheet metal
parts and screws. Although special care is taken to reduce
sharp edges to a minimum, be extremely careful when
handling parts or reaching into the unit.
Air Filters
The air filter(s) s hould be checked every 3 or4 weeksandchanged
or cleaned whenever it becomes dirty. Dirty filters produce exces-
sivestress ontheblowermotorandcan causethemotor to overheat
and shut down.
This unit must have an air filter in place before it can be operated.
These filtersshouldbelocatedin atleastoneof twoplaces.In many
applications, the installer will provide return air filter grilles
mounted on the wall or ceiling of the conditioned structure. In the
instance of filter grilles, the filters can simply be removed from the
grille and replaced.
The other typical application is a n accessory filter rack installed in-
side the unit itself. The following information is given to assist in
changing filters used in these internal filter racks.
Table 1 indicates the correct indoor filter size for your unit. Refer
toFig.3 toaccessfiltersinstalledin theaccessory filterrack.Ifusing
an Accessory Filter Rack, r efer to the Installation Instructions pro-
vided with it for correct filter sizes and quantities.
Table 1—Air Filters Located Inside Unit
(For Replacement Purposes)
Unit Size Filter Size in. (mm)
A24 20x20x1 (508x508x25)
A30 20x24x1 (508x610x25)
A36---A42 24x30x1 (610x762x25)
A48---A60 24x36x1 (610x914x25)
To replace or inspect filters in accessory filter rack:
1. Remove the filter access panel (See Fig. 3) using a 5/16--in.
nut driver.
2. Removethefilter(s)bypullingitoutoftheunit.Ifthefilter(s)
is dirty, clean or replace with a new one.
When installing t henew f ilter(s),notethedirection oftheairflowar-
rows on the filter frame.
If you have difficulty locating your air filter(s) or have questions
concerning proper filter maintenance, contact your dealer for in-
structions.When replacing filters,alwaysusethesamesizeandtype
of filter that was supplied originally by the installer .
Access Panels
Filter Access Panel
For Accessory Filter Rack
Fig. 3 -- Accessory Filter Rack Access Panel
Failureto follow this warning could resultin personal injury,
death or property damage.
Never operate your unit without filters in place. An
accumulation ofdustand linton internal partsofyourunitcan
cause loss of efficiency.
Fans and Fan Motor
Periodically check the condition of fan wheels and housings and
fan --motorshaftbearings.Contactyourdealerfortherequiredannu-
al maintenance.
Indoor and Outdoor
Cleaning of the coils should only bedone by qualified service per-
sonnel. Contact your dealer for the required annual maintenance.