Maximum hydrostatic water pressure - 0.97 MPa (150 p.s.i.)
Maximum recommended working pressure - 0.69 MPa (100 p.s.i.)
Minimum working pressure - 0.01 1 MPa (2 p.s.i.) at 1.6 Litres/min. (0.5 U.S. Gal/min.) free discharge
Minimum recommended inlet water pressure for use with showers 40 p.s.i.g.
Dimensions in millimetres (inches)
* The high altitude ratings listed are Canadian Gas Association high altitude ratings and are only valid in Canada.
In the U.S., the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 recommends for high altitude installations above
2,000 feet, that the input rate be reduced 4% for each 1,000 feet above sea level.
Figure 1
Standard High Standard High
5,7 4,6 10,5 8,4
3,35 2,7 10,2 8,1
Tap pressure inch
Manifold burner pressure inch
Tap pressure inch
Manifold burner pressure inch
Size, mm Qt.
natural standart 11.7 kW 1.25 diam. 6
propane (0-2,000 ft.) (40,000 Btu/hr) 0.76 diam. 6
natural high * 10.5 kW 1.25 diam. 6
propane (2,000-4,500 ft.) (36,000 Btu/hr) 0.76 diam. 6
Main Burner Orifices
W 125 K…
W 125 K…
Model Type of Gas Altitude Input
270 610 230 190 70 562 350 312 102 138
(10 5/8) (25 3/8) (9 1/8) (7 1/2) (2 3/4) (22 1/8) (13 3/4) (12 1/4) (4) (5 3/8)