Berkley B4ZRKS Water Pump User Manual

F00633 Page 11
Suction Connection
When Flooded Suction Exists
Not Recommended
2215 0196
Water under
Inverted Eccentric Reducer
may result in air pocket.
Do not leave
valve partially
Check Valve
in suction pipe
not needed.
Unsupported pipe causes
excessive stress on pump
and fittings.
Concentric Reducer may
cause air pockets.
Valve in upward
position may trap
Do not make elbow
connection directly
to pump suction.
Miter elbow or short
radius elbow not
Suction piping that is undersized will create excess
friction losses that may cause cavitation and a
reduction in pump performance.
Excess fittings and bends in suction line results in
trapped air, reduced performance, and high friction
losses which may cause cavitation.
If check valve is required for back flow prevention,
locate on the discharge side of pump.