16. Generally, what is the typical operation of the AquaSmart?
Following are typical responses to a variety of system actions.
System Action AquaSmart Response
Maintaining the Low Limit
Burner is turned on until the water temperature reaches the low limit plus the low differential.
ZC is turned off until the water temperature reaches the low limit plus the low differential
Thermostat Call for Heat
Burner is turned on as long as the water temperature is below the high limit. Circulator is
turned on after circulator-on delay if the low limit is satisfi ed.
Thermostat is Satisfi ed
Burner is turned off
Circulator is turned off after circulator-off delay
ZR Call for Heat Burner is turned on as long as the water temperature is below the high limit.
ZR is Satisfi ed Burner is turned off.
Maintaining the High Limit
Burner is turned off until the water temperature falls below the high limit minus the high
17. How can I be sure that I have installed the AquaSmart correctly?
When you have completed the installation of the unit you will go through the Control Checkout Procedure.
These procedures are typical for the default confi guration of the control. Before beginning the AquaSmart checkout procedure,
make sure the control is wired and confi gured as is required by the application. You will fi nd the steps for the check out procedure
in the AquaSmart Information and Operation Manual.
CAUTION! Do not leave the installation site if the AquaSmart operation did not match the descriptions in any of the steps in the
checkout procedure. Make all necessary adjustments until the correct operation is verifi ed. The checkout procedure helps to verify
that the high and low limits are working properly and that the thermostat is wired correctly to the control.
18. Does the AquaSmart provide any other Benefi ts?
Yes, there are benefi ts provided in several different areas.
The homeowner should know that in a short period of time the AquaSmart will pay for itself when the HeatManager is enabled.
That’s right. Due to the up to 20% energy savings from our energy effi cient features the homeowner will realize up to $300 sav-
ings per year in a typical home. With conserving energy and saving money the AquaSmart is precisely what consumer is looking
Additionally, the homeowner benefi ts from increased comfort and peace of mind. The AquaSmart will give priority to
a call for Domestic Hot Water. This helps to ensure a steady supply of hot water to the home. The AquaSmart will also
give the homeowner added peace of mind due to its automatic freeze-up resistance feature.
Our Environment defi nitely Benefi ts with the AquaSmart. Did you know that if every Boiler in the United States used the
AquaSmart control it would reduce our nation’s fuel consumption by the equivalent of 24.6 million barrels of fuel/year?
We all can be a part of this solution.
R.W. Beckett Corporation
P.O. Box 1289
Elyria, Oh 44036
Form No. 61772 R00, Printed in the USA 10/10