Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the AquaSmart?
2. What is the Beckett HeatManager calculation?
3. How does this new HeatManager logic compare the HeatManager Classic we are familiar with?
4. How do you know how to set the HeatManager function for different applications?
5. How will the new HeatManager calculation interact with a system utilizing a tankless coil?
6. Does the AquaSmart have any other fuel effi ciency features?
7. What other advanced features does the AquaSmart have?
8. Is the AquaSmart available in Gas applications?
9. What can cause the AquaSmart to lockout?
10. What options do I have when mounting the AquaSmart?
11. When wiring the AquaSmart does the color of the wires have any signifi cance?
12. What are the electrical ratings of the AquaSmart?
13. Since the AquaSmart is made of plastic will the wiring knockouts hold up?
14. How diffi cult is the AquaSmart to program?
15. What happens if I inadvertently overlap temperature settings to be selected?
16. Generally, what is the typical operation of the AquaSmart?
17. How can I be sure that I have installed the AquaSmart correctly?
18. Does the AquaSmart provide any other benefi ts?
1. What is the AquaSmart?
The Beckett AquaSmart is an advanced triple acting boiler temperature control (BTC) designed for use on residential and light com-
mercial boiler systems. A triple acting BTC incorporates a High and Low limit with differential functions. The triple acting BTC also
controls circulator functions. This employs a BTC that acts in reverse. The reverse BTC opens to turn the circulator off if boiler water
temperature drops below a set temperature, typically to maintain a minimum boiler temperature in both the High and Low limit func-
tions. The circulator circulates the heat transfer fl uid to the heated zone. The Beckett AquaSmart comes equipped with the Depart-
ment of Energy (DOE) 2012 compliant HeatManager. All models include the option of enabling the Beckett HeatManager load-match-
ing energy saving calculation. When selected it provides up to 20% fuel consumption savings.
2. What is the Beckett HeatManager Calculation?
The HeatManager saves fuel by dynamically changing the temperature high operating limit to the minimum temperature necessary
to meet the heating demand. The contractor can adjust the HeatManager calculation to maximize comfort or energy savings. The
HeatManager calculation is designed to operate the boiler at its lowest possible temperature while still meeting the heating demand.
By dynamically changing the boiler temperature, it is designed to reduce the energy used by the system without sacrifi cing comfort.
Form No. 61772 R00, Printed in the USA 10/10
R.W. Beckett Corporation
P.O. Box 1289
Elyria, Oh 44036