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With yourpurchaseof thishumidificationsystem,you haveinvestedin ahumidifier
that operates on the evaporative principle nature’s own way of adding moisture
– providing optimum relative humidity (RH) throughout the heating season. It is
verypossible that you have questions concerning your new humidifier –questions
on what it can do for you, and what you should do to receive maximum benefits
from it. This booklet is intended to answer these questions.
Nature, in producing an invigorating comfortable April day, combines just the
right temperature and the right amount of moisture. Aprilaire humidifiers
employ the same principle, with refinements, to give you the optimum RH for
maximum allowable comfort all winter long.
The important considerations in the evaluation of a humidifier are precise
control, sufficient capacity, trouble-free performance and minimum
maintenance. The operating principle of your Aprilaire humidifier provides
all of these advantages. Here, briefly, is the method:
Except for Models 350 and 360, the Aprilaire humidifier is installed to operate
in conjunction with the heating, ventilating, air conditioning equipment
(HVAC) blower motor. When the Aprilaire humidifier Control calls for humidity
and the blower motor is operating, water flows to the distribution tray located
at the top of the humidifier. The water is uniformly distributed across the
width of the tray and through a scientifically designed system of outlets. It
flows by gravity over the Water Panel
evaporator, the heart of the humidifier.
Dry, hot air is moved through the moisture-laden Water Panel evaporator
where natural evaporation takes place. The now-humidified air carrying
moisture in vapor form (nature’s own way) is circulated throughout the home.
Models 350 and 360 use service hot water (140°F maximum) for a heat
source, as heat is needed for evaporation. While the water going to the
humidifier is hot, the flushing water to the drain will be cold. The heat is
extracted during the evaporation process.
The correct water flow is determined by an orifice provided with
each drain type humidifier. When the humidifier is operating, there
will be a small, steady stream of water to drain, which flushes
away most of the trouble-causing minerals.
Do not use the saddle valve to regulate the water flow. It is designed
to be completely open or closed.
The minerals and solid residue not trapped by the replaceable Water Panel
evaporator are flushed down the drain in the Models 350, 360, 500A, 500M,
600A, 600M, 700A and 700M. This is the most effective and least expensive
method to dispose of trouble-causing minerals. The drain also eliminates
the problems caused by stagnant water.
There are some homes where drain facilities are not accessible or available.
For these situations, or where high water hardness is not a problem, Models
400A and 400M are designed to satisfy these applications.
Trouble-free performance and minimum maintenance are assured by the
design features of the Aprilaire humidifier. All humidifier housing parts that
come in contact with water are non-metal and will never rust or corrode.
Neither heat nor water will affect them under normal operating conditions.
The Water Panel
evaporator, designed especially for uniform, high
evaporation, and the Scale Control Insert (which encases the Water Panel)
efficiently traps mineral deposits which are often the cause of damage to
working parts in ordinary humidifiers. When properly maintained, no “white
dust” will be distributed through the living quarters. The Water Panel
evaporator is the heart of the humidifier and must be in good
condition to assure high capacity trouble-free performance. It
should be changed at least annually with the exception of the
Models 400A and 400M which should be changed at least twice per
heating season.
The distribution tray incorporates a synthetic fabric liner that is designed to
deliver water uniformly over the entire top surface of the Water Panel
evaporator, provided the humidifier is mounted level. It is normal for some
mineral deposits to form in the distribution tray as it dries out between
humidification cycles. These deposits can actually help distribute water in
the tray, but if they block the openings, they should be removed as described
in the “Periodic Preventative Maintenance” section of this manual.
Your Automatic Digital Humidifier Control works in conjunction with your
HVAC to control the operation of the humidifier. The control senses indoor
RH and outdoor temperature and automatically adjusts the operation time
of the humidifier to provide the optimum humidity level in the home.
The digital readout on the automatic control displays the RH level inside the
cold air return duct. RH is a measure of the amount of moisture in the air as
a percentage of what the air can hold. Warm air can hold more moisture than
cold air can. This reading will accurately indicate the RH in the living space
when the HVAC blower is operating. Once the HVAC blower stops, the
readout will not change.
The control has lights which indicate humidifier operation, when the water
panel needs to be replaced and when service is required. See “Operating
Instructions” for more information.
There are many humidifiers on the market. They all add moisture… with
varying degrees of efficiency. None, however, offer the features, design,
and performance incorporated into your new Aprilaire humidifier.