Start-up Instructions
VB/VW 500/750/1000
Series 100/101
Before starting the boiler, please review the boilers instruction manual (AOS Part Number 212800) supplied with the boiler. This
is a powered combustion copper tube boiler. Please contact an authorized A.O. Smith representative before starting the unit.
Ensure that the water piping, gas line, controls, and venting have been installed per the instruction manual.
Gas supply lines should be sized in accordance with the current edition of National Fuel Gas Code (ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54) or
CAN/CSA B149.1 The Canadian Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code.
Make sure the boiler is not damaged. If the unit is damaged, contact an A.O. Smith representative for service or replacement
parts prior to starting the boiler.
This boiler is equipped with a Modulating EMC 5000 control system. The EMC 5000 displays the system status and errors that may
occur during normal operation. For full details on the controls, please refer to the Installation Manual supplied with the boiler. The
boiler must be installed according to the instructions provided with the unit. Failure to do so will void the warranty.
The following test equipment should be on hand: (all test equipment must be acclimated to ambient temperature before calibration
and use.)
• AcombustionanalyzercapableofmeasuringCOandCO
or O
• Adigitalmanometerorpressuregaugescapableofaccuratelydisplaying0–15(±.01)inchesofwatercolumn.
• Combinationvolt/ammeter
• TORX®T40or5mmhexwrench–forsettinggasmixtureatgasvalve
• 3mmor7/64inhexwrench–forsettinggasmixtureatgasvalve
I. Verify utilities
• Ensurethatthewaterpiping,gasline,controls,andventinghavebeeninstalledpertheinstructionmanual.
• Becertainthatthesystemisfullofwater,thatairispurgedfromalllines,theboiler,andstoragetank.
• Ensurethatnoleaksarepresentandthatallsupplyandreturnwatervalvesareopen.
• Upstreamgasvalveshouldremaincloseduntilstartup.
II. Component Sequence Verication
• Ensurethatthepowersupplymeetstheserequirements:singlephase,Minimum:108VACRMS;Maximum:132VACRMS
and is on a dedicated circuit breaker with separate neutrals and grounds.
• Ensureallcontrolwiringisruninadedicatedconduitperinstructionmanual.
• Performpowersupplytestoutlinedintheinstructionmanual.
• Ensurethattheupstreammanualgasvalveoftheboilerisopen.
off by the downstream manual valve, start the system and allow it to run through a heating cycle. It should stop when it checks for
blower and low/ high blower prover switches are all functioning properly.
III. Initial Boiler Set-up Verication
• Drillamaximum7/16”holeinthesideoftheventbootteeapproximately8”frombackpaneltoinsertthegasanalyzerprobe.
The hole must be sealed upon completion of the start-up testing.
• Openthedownstreammanualgasvalvetotheboilerandpurgeairfromtheline.
PRINTED0608 212936-002