Air-O-Swiss AOS 2055D Air Cleaner User Manual

Q. Why do I need a humidifier when I can just open
my window?
A. The moisture level within the outside air is not high
enough to humidify a room.
Q. Where should I place my humidifier?
A. The unit should be free-standing and not close to a
wall, window, door, or thermal bridge so that air may
circulate around the unit.
2055 FAQ’s
Q. I fill the water tank, and when I place it back on
the unit all of the water goes into the base. Why is
A. Water is needed in the base of the unit for the removal
of particles from the air, and for the humidification of
the air. The first time the tank is filled up and placed
on the unit, all of the water will go into the base of the
unit. The water tank acts as a reserve, and may be
filled up a second time to have extra water available.
Q. If my unit runs dry is that ok?
A. If there is a possibility that you will be unable to add
water to the unit and it will run dry, turn the unit off
before you leave. The unit will not be able to remove
particles from the air if there is no water, and you may
notice a foul odor. Except of the 2055 Digital that uses
the automatic switch-off.
Q. Can this unit be used all year round?
A. Yes, the unit can be used all year round. The unit pro-
duces relative humidity which means that the air will
only take as much moisture as it can hold. The unit
will not over-humidify the air.
Q. If there is no water left in my water tank, for how
many hours will the water in base last?
A. An exact answer cannot be given for this as there are
many factors that depend on how long the water will
last for. It all depends on the size of the room, if it is
very dry, among other things to know how quickly wa-
ter will evaporate into the air. If you notice that there is
no water left in the water tank, it is always a good idea
to refill the tank to have extra water available.
Q. Is it ok to put my humidifying plates in the
A. The manufacturer of this appliance does NOT recom-
mend it. The plates can only be placed in a dishwasher
where the temperature is no greater than 131°F / 55ºC.
If the temperature is any hotter than this, the plates will
melt. Place the plates in a sink filled with warm water
and white vinegar or EZCal and either let them soak or
spin the plates in this solution. Or, add white vinegar
or EZCal to the water in the base of the unit and let the
unit run for an hour to clean the plates.
It is good to have calcium deposits built up on the
plates as it will capture more particles from the air and
add more moisture to the air.
For troubleshooting, see chapter „Troubleshooting“.