Airfree P80 Air Cleaner User Manual

“Staphylococus aureus” is the most common bacteria
in hospital infections across the world and are especially
linked to surgical wound infections that represent 11% of all
nosocomial infections in England.
Other bacterial pathogens have high relevance in
airborne transmitted diseases and are well studied like the
“Streptococcus spp” and “Pseudomonas aeruginosa”.
Airborne pathogens are commonly related to respiratory tract
infections which correspond to 23% of all hospital infections in
“Aspergillus spp” is the most common fungus
acquired trough air transmission in hospitals.
The “conidius propagulus” small size allows it to be in
suspension in the air for long periods of time, remaining viable
for months, even in low humidity places. Studies estimate that
75% of the Invasive “Aspergillosis” cases result in death,
especially due to the difficulty in diagnosing it. The daily
therapy cost is extremely high over £701, resulting in an
average therapy cost of £ 9.814(*) per patient. The therapy
cost of just one invasive “Aspergillosis” patient is
approximately equivalent to 60 Airfree units
*considering a 70 kg patient. Approximate cost of AWP (of
Lamb) is US$188 per 50 mg vial. Typical dose is 5.0
mg/kg/day. Estimated daily cost per patient US$1,316.
Some important pathogens
To prevent is better than to remedy
Hospital infections not only result in high financial
cost but also in high number of lost lives. Therefore, better
than the clinical treatment itself, the prevention of hospital
infections is the best strategy as being cheaper and more
The annual cost of treatment and hospitalization in
England accounts for £1bn. According to the NAO (National
Audit Office) 2000 report, the NHS could have saved £150m if
preventive actions involving hospital hygiene and infection
control had been taken.