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Region and Language
The instructions for installing, changing and uninstalling languages in this section are applicable to Thor VM2 with Windows
Embedded Standard 7 OS only. While similar control panels are present on other operating systems, the instructions
below are not valid for those systems. See Languages (page 2-2) for information on installing languages for a Thor VM2
with a Windows 7 Professional or Windows Embedded Standard 2009 OS.
Start > Control Panel > Region and Language > Keyboards and Languages tab (Large or Small Icon View)
The Thor VM2 may be shipped with an English only Windows Embedded Standard operating system. When only one lan-
guage (English) is installed, the Choose a display language option is not displayed on the Keyboard and Languages
Install a Language
1. Tap Install/uninstall languages... on the Keyboards and Languages tab.
2. If prompted with a User Access Control prompt, tap Yes to allow the program to make changes.
3. When prompted, tap Install display languages.
4. Tap Browse computer or network.
5. Tap the Browse button and browse to C:\LangPack and locate the folder for the desired language. The end of the
folder name identifies the language:
de-de German
es-es Spanish
fr-fr French
it-it Italian
ja-jp Japanese
ko-kr Korean
pt-pt Portuguese
ru-ru Russian
th-th Thai
zh-cn Simplified Chinese