this unit flow rate is 4420 m3h coil bank size 710L,610W,480Thick cm please advise me which type of chemical I can use to keep clean this coil and what type of pressurepump to used for service this coil and how often I need to clean this coil .Basicaly how efficiantly I can do the PPM

Asked by nirul on 02/18/2009 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 10 months ago

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0 Realize that I am only an amateur. That having been said I spoke to a HVAC guy about cleaning the "A" coil which I'm assuming is what you are talking about. He recommended Simple Green as the detergent to clean with and I believe he said to use a tooth brush to clean it with. Make sure you go with the grain of the coil. If you make sure your filter is changed regularly on your furnace (once a month) with a good quality filter you shouldn't have to clean the coil. Just make sure it is clean air that is flowing through it and that is done by keeping that filter in place and changed.
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