How do i get the auger out of a king pellet stove

Asked by Jason on 02/21/2015 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 10 months ago

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0 This stove is just 2 years old.terrible design auger broke at nipple mount on motor.sweet the motor falls off (so no problem getting it out ) and is $66 the auger is not easly removed thus me being on this site and is $ we have 2 replace the auger because it was designed 2 break when jammed and not burn the motot up. THE MOTOR IS 66 DOLLARS AND SO EASY 2 GET 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, IT WOULD TAKE LESS THAN 5 MIN 2 FIX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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0 This is funny. This is a design flaw. This is true and this is sad. The stove itself is rudimentary but efficient. It would be nice to spend a bit more time to bring the stove up to engineering quality and thoughtful design.
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