I am trying to help my Mom locate a Manual for Model 503A. She bought this sewing machine at a resale shop. It is in mint condition. I wasnt able to locate a serial number but it has a whole bunch of patent-pending numbers on it. It seems to me that this was the model that was introducing "decorative stitches". It has these small circular plastic inserts. Each one is a different stitch. These are "dropped in" on the top of the sewing machine. I am trying to get photos of sewing machine. The sewing machine is metal has its own sewing desk that opens up and machine can go down in the middle and be hidden. The machine is kinda of a dull pink-greyish color. My mother has been sewing on it since she got it and has figured out some of its features. I hope you can help locate a manual.Your efforts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks,Anita

Asked by Anita on 06/09/2008 0  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here

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