My a/c unit keeps turning itself off every 10 minutes and shows "E1" on the display. Any ideas on how to keep it running?

Asked by Christine on 06/23/2009 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 6 months ago

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0 I had the same problem, E1 means you need to clean your filter. after that there is a start up process that you have to preform. you can get that info at but when you get to manuels, the 125FX isn't mentioned so go to teh 125XN or any of the 125's. in the scroll down menu you'll find the 125FX and on page 1 (the opening page of the document) you'll get the start up process to erase the E1.
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0 I had same error and if cleaning your unit doesn't work, sharp came and had techs replace my circuit board as something was faulty as my filter was spotless
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