I can’t take off a face panel for the cleaning because a lot of dust inside (behind the filters). (No filters in AC) I’ve unscrewed bottom screws and unsnapped two clamps from right side and two clamps from left side. How to untight top of the face panel?

Asked by Seymyon Serbin on 07/17/2010 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 I called Sharp. They told me the front panel cannot be removed. I then decided to look again. If you remove the 2 bottom screws, the rest of the panel will come off. Start at the bottom and gently pull each side of the font panel. The panel is only held onto the unit by snapping into plastic brackets. Just be sure not to pull too hard. I started on one side and unsnapped most of way then repeat on other side. Hope this helps.....
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2 See Attached
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1 Clean the unit no matter what...may be part of your issue..I've attached the PDF Owners manual for you
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0 I know about the removable filtere I have the same question as the above person. How do I remove the face of the unit to clean the delicate air fins in the front of the unit?
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