We just moved in, and have this old garage door system, but no remote. I cant find one that works with it, and no one at Sears seems to know how to help me. It has a yellow smart button. Please help! Kristen

Asked by Kristen on 10/24/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 2 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 You need to press and release the "learn code button" on the garage door opener. It is next to the small "red" light. The red light will blink. Now press and hold the button on the hand remote until the door starts to move. It will now work. I bought my "universal" remote from Home Depot. Kitty Hawk
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0 The "learn code button" is the same as the "yellow smart button." Kitty Hawk
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