How do i back up my dvr to an external hard drive?

Asked by freeda on 11/26/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 1 month ago

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0 I will be trying BOTH in the next 24 hours. I only need a 30 minute time window - and I've never used this unit before. If you have any advice - for doing so to a 4GB USB thumb drive, please send it along to me! I will do the same for you if I am successful backing it to HD (as well as CDR - which owner says has yet to work...). Thanks!
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0 I was successful in getting the video off this unit I wanted. It would NOT, however, engage a U3 Sansa Cruiser. It saw the "CD" on the unit and wouldn't reformat. The CDRW was thought to be bad, but my guess is that it is set to 4x for burning (1 hour video took 15 minutes) and that made other think it was previously not working. This was a 2005 model 2162 with 230GB formatted drive. You need to get to it via the Remote - to get to the BackUp screen. The default is to back up the entire contents - in my case, 3 weeks worth. Make certain that there is NOT an identical type drive installed via USB in the rear or front - the unit will NOT see two USB drives attached - as the dropdown menu in "backup" will only appear to display a few choices - and two USB HDs attached will likely fail. Very strange interface given the simplicity it COULD have had - but it successfully dumped two 159MB .avi clips (two cameras) of 61 minutes each, identical time, onto the CDRW - and as long as the backup light and HDD light are burning green (HD flickers) on the unit, then you are in business no matter what you back it up to. If it has a Firewire (1394) port, thank your god and Apple, and get a case with an Oxford chip as the FW controller, and back up flawlessly forever more.
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