how do I unlock the thermostat controls on my thermostat? currently, there is a lock symbol on the screen and I can not adjust the settings

Asked by kristin on 11/27/2008 17  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 1 month ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
6 OMG thank you. this worked for mea lso
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5 I am in love with the person who said press Next 3 times and then press hold! We were totally stumped at what made the lock symbol appear in the first place, and what to do. Thank you for your help!
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5 I'm not sure what model you have, but I had the same problem and the combo on mine is....push the next button 3 times and then press hold. I hope this helps.
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4 YES!!! THANK YOU MR. "press Next 3 times and then press hold"
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4 can I get a manual or some sort of information for my Pure Pro D110 thermostat. There are some unmarked slider buttoms and the off / on switch and I'm not sure which direction the slider switch is suppose to be when the heat is on or off? Please help.
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4 can I get a manual or some sort of information for my Pure Pro D110 thermostat. There are some unmarked slider buttoms and the off / on switch and I'm not sure which direction the slider switch is suppose to be when the heat is on or off? Please help.
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4 Advise on setting the temperature and what is the other slider for?
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3 I have just encountered the same problem in one room, and came here to find the solution... Please post if you find out how to unlock the thermostat. Thanks!
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-1 how do i turn the filter light off
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