Oreck 00625 Signature Series carpet cleaner. We are having a problem finding where to buy the cleaner bottles. The machine is not listed on your web site. It must abe an old machine. Altho it looks like your Oreck XL.

Asked by Marlene Loomer on 06/17/2009 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 6 months ago

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4 pop the top off of the used bottles and fill with any carpet cleaning solution. I have been doing this for years. Sinple use a shark knife and ease the top that has the two holes on the dispenser lid up.
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0 But what solution % or ratio when refilling Oreck bottles? I have Lindhaus Extractair and says 1 or 2 oz per gallon. But Oreck further mixes with water. So what ratio do you refill your Oreck bottles with?
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